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  • help > skills > catalyze
    Skill        :   Catalyze
    Class        :   Wyvern
    Cost         :   10 (not adjustable)
    Casting time :   1 Round
    Stats Base   :   Constitution
    Syntax       :   do catalyze <poison>
    Examples     :   do catalyze muscle
                     do catalyze nerve
                     do catalyze paralytic
                     do catalyze (will show your current poison)
    When in a forest, jungle or swamp environment, races with the
    catalyze skill are able to modify and transform their poison to
    take on various properties.  This gives them extreme versatility
    in the ever-evolving struggle in nature.
    When a poison is catalyzed it can then be injected into a living
    creature by the use of the sting skill.
    Catalyzed muscle poison retains those properties until catalyzed
    again.  Nerve poison which is gone as soon as it is injected. 
    Paralytic poison has a pooled amount before it needs to be 
    catalyzed again.
    The poisons stack if used consecutively for two maybe three rounds.
    The available poisons are:
      Muscle :    This poison hampers movement, reduces attacking and
                  to a small degree even combat.
      Nerve :     This poison increases the overall damage of the sting
                  skill and reduces resistance.  Note, once the nerve 
                  poison is injected you need to catalyze up a new
      Paralytic : This poison prevents actions and movement for a very
                  short duration.
    See also: help skill sting