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  • help > skills > butcher
    Skill        :   Butcher
    Class        :   Ghoul
    Cost         :   20 sp
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Varies based on Corpses in Room
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Strength, Con and Dex.
    Syntax       :   do butcher [all|heart|brain|guts|liver||[adrenal]
    Examples     :   do butcher all
                     do butcher heart
    Nothing delights a Ghoul more than butchering a fresh corpse for
    still steaming meat.  The organs most beloved by the ghoul are the
    heart, brain, guts, and liver.  Each organ, when ingested by the 
    Ghoul enhances its powers.  
    Liver: The liver augments his ferocity in combat
    Heart: Heart gives its attacks great speed
    Guts:  Guts increases the ghoul's toughness. 
    Brain: Brain enhances the Ghoul's resistance.  
    Adrenal: A short duration HYPERACTIVE state.
    A single corpse may only be butchered one time. If you butcher "all"
    you will receive every organ you crave. Otherwise you may butcher
    a specific organ to save for when the craving hits.