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  • help > skills > brew
    Skill          :     Brew
    Class          :     Enchanters
    Cost           :     20 per elixir
    Component      :     Fortify   salt, belladonna
                         Haste     frost fire, mistletoe
                         Health    poppy, foxglove
                         Delusion  toadstools, snow lilly
                         Combat    cobweb, foxglove
    Casting Time   :     Base 2 + 1 for each additional
    Skill Base     :     Magic
    Syntax         :     do brew <number> <elixir>
    An Enchanter can combine the mystic reagents 
    of the land into powerful elixirs.  Among these
    Fortify   :   Increases your ability to take combat hits.
    Haste     :   Increases your speed.
    Delusion  :   Variable.
    Combat    :   Increases your combat for a short time.