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  • help > skills > bond
    Skill        :   Bond
    Class        :   Beastmaster       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   4
    Stats Base   :   Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 4
    Syntax       :   do bond <animal type>    
    Examples     :   do bond shark
                     do bond (to cancel)
    	Many years spent living amongst the wilds with his
    animal friends has forged a great bond between Beastmaster and
    beast.  The Beastmaster has learned to extend this bond beyond
    physically being present amongst the animals.  Thus, at any time,
    at any place, he may take a spiritual "animal journey" to meet
    one of his animal friends.  In doing so, he will temporarily
    exhibit some of the traits of that animal.  He may bond to certain
    animals based on his race...
    CENTAUR: eagle, elephant, lion, shark, wolf
    ELF/HALF-ELF: fox, owl, python, raccoon, wolf
    GRIPPLI: crocodile, elephant, ferret, monkey, python
    HUMAN: bear, eagle, ferret, fox, owl, shark, wolf, wolverine
    KITSUNE: badger, ferret, eagle, fox, wolf
    MUUL: badger, crocodile, gorilla, lion, wolverine
    ORC: crocodile, ferret, lion, monkey, python
    OGRE: badger, bear, elephant, gorilla, shark
    URSA: bear, gorilla, raccoon, wolf, wolverine
    	The effects of each bond are described in "help bonds".
    Other skills the Beastmaster has: animality, observe, heart, and
    finish, will not be usable unless he is bonded.  These skills
    require his mindset to be that of an animal, and thus one can see
    why the bond is first needed.  Furthermore, while bonded, the
    Beastmaster shares in the animal kingdom's "innate danger
    sense."  When not distracted (by being in combat, etc), he will
    sometimes detect incoming danger and thus have a better chance
    at reducing or avoiding that threat.
    NOTE: This skill has NOTHING to do with the "companion" skill.
    See also: help bonds, help skill animality, help skill finish¨
              help skill heart, help skill observe