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  • help > skills > bludgeon
    Skill        :   Bludgeon
    Class        :   Thug
    Cost         :   0
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   Strength and Constitution
    Syntax       :   do bludgeon [<target>] 
    Examples     :   do bludgeon 
                     do bludgeon joe
    Bludgeon is a skill that battle hardened thugs learn to perfect over time.
    It's the time honored tradition of beating your enemy on the back of the 
    head with a blunt object.  Bludgeon requires the element of surprise,
    as a wary opponent will surely not let you smack the back of their
    head! Luckily thugs have learned to utilize their party members as
    distractions and can bludgeon in combat while with party members
    and while party damage is turned on.  Bludgeon has a chance to shake
    out money from the pockets of its victims.