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  • help > skills > blend
    Skill        :   Blend
    Class        :   Wyvern
    Cost         :   20 sp, and 1-3 sp per round
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity
    Syntax       :   do blend 
    Blend is a skill which allows a wyvern to blend in with his or 
    her surrounding.  While blended, the wyvern will need to spend
    his or her spell points constantly to reflect the concentration 
    required in maintaining total silence and invisibility.
    The wyvern will not be able to perform any other actions while
    using this skill. However, opponents will have a very hard time
    targetting him.
    Blend is very similar to the 'hide' skill, but costs a little
    more and can only be used outdoors.
    See also: help skill hide