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  • help > skills > arterial strike
    Skill           :   Arterial Strike
    Class           :   Shikaku
    Skill Type      :   Active (Empowered skill)
    Cost            :   5 sp + 5 per power level
    Stats           :   Dex some Int and Str
    Minimum charge  :   1
    Casting Time    :   Instant
    Syntax          :   do arterial strike <power level> <target>
                        do arterial strike 2 jovias
                        do arterial strike available shadewrath
    The shikaku is skilled in the arts of perception and awareness and
    the moment she engages in combat with her foes she begins to study
    them. This skill allows her take aim on one of the main arteries of
    a creature's body that she spots and strike it causing a bleeding
    wound. The amount of blood and the time the body takes to recover
    from the wound depend on how many charges the shikaku spends at the
    time she strikes. Undead creatures and those that have regenerating
    abilities take less damage from this skill and can recover from the
    wound a lot faster. 
    Creatures that don't have a discernable anatomy are more resistant
    to this strike.
    To use this skill the shikaku must have at least one charge on her
    energy bar.
    If the <available> argument is given, the shikaku will spend all her
    charges on this empowered skill.