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  • help > skills > apply
    Skill        :   Apply
    Class        :   Herbalist       
    Cost         :   20 / 10
    Skill Type   :   Active / Automatic
    Casting time :   2 rounds / Instant
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Intelligence
    Difficulty   :   Level 2 / Level 0
    Syntax       :   do apply <herbal poison> on <weapon>
                 :   do apply <herbal poison> on <target>'s <weapon>
    Examples     :   do apply concish on sword
                 :   do apply podomma on zartan's dagger
         By extracting oil from an herbal toxin, an Herbalist may
    poison a weapon.  Only flesh-piercing weapons may be coated.  When
    the weapon connects in combat or otherwise, the poisonous oil
    extract will drip from the weapon into the victim's bloodstream.  If
    the wielder of the weapon waits too long to attack a target, the oil
    will dry up.  This function costs 20 spell points and takes 2 rounds
    to complete.  An Herbalist may also poison any ally's flesh-piercing 
    weaponry by using "do apply <poison> on <target>'s <weapon>".
         Darts are automatically applied with poison via the 
         "shoot <poison type> at <target>" operation of the 
         Herbalist's blowgun and are thus not directly poisoned
         via the apply skill (the apply skill's total level is 
         still used to calculate the effectiveness, however).  
         This costs 10 spell points in  addition to the 5 
         required to fire the dart, totaling 15 spell points 
         to fire a poison dart.
         Poisonous herbal oil extracts have the following effects upon
    entering the bloodstream...
    UTMAHI: Fast-acting organ damage over a short period of time.
            This poison is known to penetrate poison resistance.
    CONCISH: Blindness.
    BINBALOP: Slowed movement and attacking due to muscle stiffening.
    PODOMMA: Confusion due to slowed neural processing, which beclouds
             the target's sense of direction.
    FIKMIR: Skin irritation and involuntary muscle spasms due to
            forced neuron firing, which interrupt the target's use
            of skills when the spasms occur.
         Only two herbal toxins may be present in a given target's
    system at any given time.  Only utmahi poison is able to stack
    itself on a single target.  Stacking utmahi increases the damage 
    it does per round but reduces its overall duration.
         The maximum doses of utmahi per target is two plus one 
         per ten levels of the Herbalist:
         (2 + Herbalist_Total_Level / 10)
    See also: help skill collect, help skill craft