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  • help > skills > animality
    Skill        :   Animality
    Class        :   Beastmaster       
    Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting time :   0
    Stats Base   :   Dexterity, Constitution
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Syntax       :   do animality <target>    
    Examples     :   do animality
                     do animality whip
    	While bonded, the Beastmaster's mind has a focused 
    comprehension of animal combat tactics.  Thus, he may perform a
    ruthless attack: an animality.  This attack seeks to exploit
    the prey, attacking at the most opportune moment.  When used
    outside of combat with the prey, it will hence tend to be more
    damaging.  If used against an opponent preoccupied with another
    foe, this skill will NOT start combat with that target.  Thus,
    a truly opportune Beastmaster may utilize this skill to its
    maximum potential in such situations.  Furthermore, a wounded 
    Beastmaster will find himself able to execute even fiercer 
    animality hits.
    See also: help skill bond