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  • help > skills > ambush
    Skill        :   Ambush
    Class        :   Bandit, Hunter
    Cost         :   15
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   3 rounds
    Difficulty   :   Level 0
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity
    Syntax       :   do ambush <target> [<target2>] [<target3>]
    Examples     :   do ambush joe
                     do ambush anyone
                     do ambush tom dick harry
                     do ambush holdup <whoever>
    When using this skill, a potential assassin waits silently
    for a target to approach. While hiding, the player is unable
    to do much more than concentrate upon his quarry and
    the entrances into the room.  This attentiveness and
    preparation, however, allow the player to gain both position
    and a preemptive strike on his or her target.  This strike
    has the potential to do much damage to an unsuspecting foe.
    A woodsman can perform a similar strike in the outdoors,
    although the damage is generally much less.
    A bandit can not only attempt to kill people, he can choose to hold
    them up instead.
    The chance of successfully completing a ambush is based on 
    the users ambush skill and his/her victims' awareness.  
    If the user is successful, the amount of damage he or she 
    inflicts is often enough to stagger even the strongest of
    Whether one succeeds or fails, the user will then be in combat 
    with his/her opponent.  It is not possible to attempt an ambush
    when one is already in combat with a foe.