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  • help > skills > adrenaline rush
    Skill        :   Adrenaline Rush
    Class        :   Gunslinger
    Base Cost    :   No cost
    Skill Type   :   Active
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Cooldown     :   30 rounds (60 seconds) after it wears off
    Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
    Syntax       :   do adrenaline rush
    Focusing under intense pressure, when the stakes are at their highest,
    is the Gunslinger's bread and butter. Baseline adrenaline rush gives 
    them a 10 round boost that does a few things.
    They regenerate an additional 10 energy per round.
    They cannot go into exhaustion while on an adrenaline rush.
    Killing an enemy extends the duration of adrenaline rush.
    Allows them to move if they previously weren't able to do so.
    Clears their exhaustion if they have it.
    Upon learning the "Adrenaline Junkie" talent, it also does the following:
    Instantly refills their energy reserves to max.
    Increases their energy regeneration to 20 per round.
    It allows them to make multiple actions in a round.
    The Gunslinger will be exhausted for 5 rounds and will be unable to do 
    anything, even moving after it wears off.