help > prayers > unforsaken --------------------------------------------------------------------- Skill : Unforsaken Class : Babau Cost : 400 Cooldown : 30 minutes Casting Time : 10 Difficulty : Level 1 Stats Base : Religion Syntax : pray unforsaken Once an hour a Babau can pray to the Blood Lords to return them to their forsaken form, that is, the being they were before becoming a Babau. If successful the Babau becomes the being he once was (Hydra, Wu-Jen, Aramitama, etc.), leaving all of his Babau nature behind. The prayer is extremely draining on the Babau's magical energies and its soul. When in their forsaken form, the Babau has all abilities of their previous life and none of their new one. Maintaining this form is extremely difficult and slowly drains the creature of their magical energies, increasing periodically, until the being is unable to maintain the transformation. A Babau gains this ability only at hero level but use of the ability returns them to whatever level they were previous to becoming a Babau. That means a 19+8 Ooze who gave himself for his gods to become a Babau would gain this spell as a 19+1 Babau and, upon successfully praying it, would cause him to revert to his 19+8 form. Similarly, a 19+1 Ooze who became a Babau would find that even as a 19+8 Babau, the forsaken form would only revert him to a 19+1 Ooze. Consider the forsaken form as 'locked' once a player chooses to become a Babau. This is a way of encouraging players to consider raising high level characters and truly devoting themselves to the Blood Lords before becoming a Babau. NOTES / CAVIOTS: 1: experience o ALL experience gained in either Babau form or forsaken form receives the Babau 50% experience filter. o A hero filter will be applied at whichever character level is highest! If the Babau is +10 and the forsaken Gremlin form is +6, while in Gremlin form the player would receive the +10 hero filter AND the 50% Babau experience filter. The same is true if the Babau was +6 and the Gremlin form was +10. o You cannot spend experience in forsaken form - the character is LOCKED once you become a Babau! 2: You can not save in forsaken form. Sometimes you might see some interesting error messages as the game tries to make you save. 3: Sometimes you may be forced back into Babau form (like upon logout). 4: Cannot enter arena or twars in forsaken form and cannot use during wars. At any time, a player can 'revert' to their Babau form. --------------------------------------------------------------------- |