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  • help > prayers > hi-matsuri
    Prayer: Hi-Matsuri
    Class: Aohitogusa
    Cost: 10 (adjusted by modifier)
    Praying time: 1 round
    Difficulty: Level 1
    Syntax: pray hi-matsuri <modifier> <target>
    Examples: pray hi-matsuri +5
    pray hi-matsuri deathshead
    pray hi-matsuri -4 gloves
    pray hi-matsuri glock's helmet

    This prayer conjures forth a magical flame to surround the target. If <target> is omitted, you will conjure the hi-matsuri around yourself. The more skilled you are, the brighter the hi-matsuri will be, and the longer such hi-matsuri will last.

    Note: praying hi-matsuri on anyone but yourself will be considered an aggressive action unless they are permitting you via permit <who> light. This includes casting hi-matsuri on other people's items!

    This prayer can be prayed quietly.