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  • help > spells > gate
    Spell        :   Gate
    Class        :   Wu-Jen
    Sphere       :   Spirit
    Level        :   3
    Cost         :   30 (adjusted by modifier)
    Spell Type   :   Teleportation
    Casting Time :   3 rounds
    Syntax       :   cast gate <modifier> <name/target>
                     cast gate <modifier> setdest <name>
                     cast gate <modifier> cleardest <name>
                     cast gate <modifier> nuke dests
    Examples     :   cast gate harry
                     cast gate cleardest ninjafly
                     cast gate -20 fly
                     cast gate cleardest demon
    The gate spell allows the caster to teleport to other locations on
    the mud.  The caster can teleport to places that he/she has impressed
    upon his/her memory.  He or she can do this by entering a room, then
    type: "cast gate setdest <name>", where the "<name>" is a word with 8
    characters or less that he/she can use to keep track of a particular
    a location.  Once a location is memorized, the caster can return to
    it (provided the spell is cast successfully) by typing: "cast gate
    To get a list of the gate locations one has memorized, just type:
    "cast gate" without any argument.  Memorized gate locations are saved
    with the caster's character and are not erased when the game shuts
    down, but these locations are not available during wars.
    As the caster gets older, his/her memory will fade, and some of the
    gate destinations memorized may be forgotten.  The caster will
    then be required to journey to those locations and memorize with
    the procedure mentioned above.
    One can only memorize a limited number of gate destinations at any
    one time.  However, as one increases in level, he/she will be able to
    memorize more gate destinations.  To deliberately forget gate
    destinations that one may no longer need, use "cast gate cleardest
    <name>".  To forget ALL of the caster's gate destinations (to start
    over, basically) one can use "cast gate nuke dests".
    The caster can also gate to a specific person or active monster using
    the syntax "cast gate <name>", where <name> is name of a player or a
    npc monster.  For example, "cast gate mephisto" would teleport the
    caster to someone named "mephisto", provided mephisto was currently
    in the game.  The chance for success of such a gate is modified by
    the target's resistance.  High resistances in comparison to the
    caster's gate skill level will decrease his/her chance of successful
    The use of positive or negative sp modifiers will increase or
    decrease the caster's chance of success, with the total sps used
    being adjusted by the modifiers.
    See also: help modifiers, help spell summon