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WITCH (mage subclass)
Witches are classic evil sorceresses, bringing malice everywhere they go.
They specialize in a variety of curses, though they have a few other spells.

Due to their peculiar nature, witches cannot easily be drowned.
Witches have the following skills:

toughness          staff          awareness          resistance
dagger             magic          combat             
Witches have the following spells:

broom              curse          cauldron           evil eye
familiar           gate           simulacrum         toad
Witches have the following resistance adjustments:

Fire                            : -20

Witches who have completed the quest "The Witching Hour" additionally
gain the following resistance adjustments:

Drain                           : +20
Holy                            : +20
Psychic                         : +20
Unholy                          : +20
Witch stats:

Strength                        : 90
Dexterity                       : 70
Intelligence                    : 150
Constitution                    : 90