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help > w > terrain
Doc for terrains

Tsunami has a number of terrain types that can (and should) be set
in a particular room. Most are self-explanatory. Terrain has little
effect right now, but should be incorporated into the game more as
time passes.


Currently valid terrains on Tsunami:
 forest, hills, mountains, plains, swamp, jungle, desert, tundra,
 underground, shore, underwater, water, building, town, farm,
 cemetery, road, bridge, air, dimension, ship, garden


specific terrain considerations:
   water:      on the surface of the water
   underwater: submerged
   town:       any urban area
   building:   in or on a building
   road:       larger 'civilized' roads, not small paths
   air:        flying, in the clouds, clinging to a wall, hanging
                  from a rope, etc.    ie: no floor.
   dimension:  another plane of existence
   ship:       any watercraft


To set the terrain(s) in a particular room, use:
   set_terrain( ({"forest", "hills", "dimension"}) );

see: /doc/rfun/set_terrain


(Note: some of these 'terrain's may seem a bit more specific than
they really need to be: cemetery, garden, etc. Those were added to
the terrain list after I went through the areas in the game and
realized how many freakin' gardens, graveyards, and farms Tsu has.
I don't like them, but they seem necessary.
  - Alexi, 10/98)