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help > spells > somnolence
Spell        :   Somnolence
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
Pollen Used  :   Heather
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast somnolence [<target>]
Examples     :   cast somnolence
                 cast somnolence quagmire

Part of the cycle of Life is a return to a latent state of being.
The Pixie may draw this dormancy from Nature's heather pollen and
cast it upon their unwilling foes.  Targets affected by this lethargy
will find themselves sluggish in combat and potentially unable to 
perform skills (i.e. their attacking skill is reduced and performing
skills/spells/prayers/songs/etc might be prevented in a particular 


The debuffs inflicted by the spell are amplified by the target's 
currently-lost-sp percentage.

The spell also has a chance to hinder movement.

See also: help pollen