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help > spells > acerbate
Spell        :   Acerbate
Class        :   Pixie
Cost         :   20 (non-adjustable)
Pollen Used  :   Lily
Casting Time :   1
Syntax       :   cast acerbate [<target>]
Examples     :   cast acerbate
                 cast acerbate horus

In the Mother's eyes, the hearts of Men are vessels of nothing other
than foul poison that fuels the destruction of Life around them.  With 
this spell and the bitterness of lily pollen, the Pixie is able to 
truly spoil the blood that pumps through the veins of the Defilers.
This acute poisoning will damage the target each round as it works its
way throughout his or her system.


There is a chance each round that the damage inflicted also lowers the 
target's stats for the remaining duration of the poison.

Healing from any source is reduced in effectiveness for the target for 
the remaining duration of the poison.

See also: help pollen