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help > skills > shield slam
Prayer       :   Shield Slam
Class        :   Paladin
Cost         :   20
Requirement  :   Oath of the Defender 2
Skill Time   :   1 round

Cooldown     :   5 rounds
Stats        :   Mostly Str/Some Con
Syntax       :   do shield slam
                 do shield slam <TARGET>

A Paladin uses their shield to strike their foe putting them off-balance and
doing damage. Following the execution of this skill a Paladin may block or
partially-block the attacks of their foes for a few rounds.

During their defensive state they will be unable to move.

Dark Knight 2/A dark echo will "strike" the target following a shield slam.
Dark Knight 2/A dark echo will slightly boost the defensive bonuses from this skill
based upon the user's dark echo prayer level.