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help > skills > kill shot
Skill        :   Kill Shot
Class        :   Gunslinger
Base Cost    :   20 energy
Additional   :   Uses ALL remaining energy.
Skill Type   :   Active
Casting Time :   Instant
Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
Syntax       :   do kill shot <target>
Examples     :   do kill shot shania

When it comes down to it, the Gunslinger know how finish their targets.
Kill shot is only usable on targets with 20% or less of their health
remaining. It is up to the Gunslinger to judge when this might be though.
Each additional point of energy used over the base cost of 20 results
in even more damage being done. This shot is extremely lethal and has been
known to take down targets even through their innate invulnerability.