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help > skills > aimed shot
Skill        :   Aimed Shot
Class        :   Gunslinger
Base Cost    :   20 energy
Skill Type   :   Active
Casting Time :   1 Round
Stats Base   :   75% Dex, 25% Int
Syntax       :   do aimed shot <body part> <target> 
Examples     :   do aimed shot gut squee  

As the Gunslinger becomes more familiar with, and upgrades their weapon
they are able to take aim at specific body parts that will cause damage
or disable a target in various ways. 

gut - Always available.
- Causes the target to bleed for damage over time. 

legs - Requires 'crude sight' talent.
- Makes the target move at a reduced speed. 

arms - +5 energy cost  - Requires 'iron sight' talent.
- Disarms the target and prevents them from rewielding for a time.

head - +5 energy cost  - Requires 'enhanced optics' talent.
- Blinds the target.

hands - +10 energy cost - Requires 'aim assist' talent at rank 1 or higher.
- Occasionally prevents the target from taking actions.