help > prayers > unleash hell --------------------------------------------------------------------- Prayer : Unleash Hell Class : Babau Cost : All SP (FULL) + 1 Soul Casting Time : 10 Stats Base : Religion Cooldown : 12 hours Syntax : pray unleash hell pray unleash hell status pray unleash hell view pray unleash hell view 15 Calling upon the Blood Lords, a highly ranked Babau can pray for the swarms of the Abyss to be unleashed upon Tsunami. This causes an invasion of demons, oozes, cultists, and assorted other vile beings to descend on the material plane. This prayer is extremely taxing on the Babau, costing them all their spell points as well as a Soul. The Blood Lords are cruel, and require utter commitment from their warriors. As such, the Babau must have full spell points to perform this prayer. The Babau calls back to the material plane not only the nameless tortured souls of the Abyss, but also specific beings that the Babau has personally slain in battle. Tortured and trapped, they return to Tsunami to invade as the will of the Blood Lords command. This creates an Invasion. It cannot be done during another invasion. The Babau is able to look at the 'status' of this invasion for some statistics based on how well his invaders are doing. Additionally, he can 'view' the invaders for free. Due to the connectivity with the Blood Lords, invaders will periodically update the Babau on their progress. Babaus gain standing with the Blood Lords based on how well their invaders do in terms of burning Tsunami and killing players. Invaders that kill players transfer their souls to the Babau as well. Babaus may want to 'color invasion <color>' as it will provide them with colorized status updates as the invasion progresses. See also: 'help invasion' See also: 'help souls' for information on Souls --------------------------------------------------------------------- |