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  • help > prayers > healing sands
    Skill           :   Healing Sands
    Class           :   Manticore
    Cost            :   10
    Usage time      :   4 round
    Cooldown time   :   4 rounds
    Stat Base       :   All Religion
    Syntax          :   pray healing sands
    Examples        :   pray healing sands
    Once blessed by his gods, the Manticore gains the ability to summon
    sands to encircle himself and provide healing warmth.  The sands
    require a desert terrain and are bolstered by increasing the
    amount of sand in an area.  While surrounded by the healing sands,
    the Manticore can perform any action except quickhealing but if
    he leaves the room then the sands dissipate.
    Upon initially commanding the sands an immediate healing is
    provided to the Manticore.  The sands then encircle the beast
    healing him steadily but increasing in their healing value over
    time.  Commanding the sands in this way is draining on the
    Manticore and as such he must expend a constant amount of spell
    points.  While the healing value goes up over time, the spell
    point cost does not.
    See: help manticore