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  • help > prayers > animal
    Prayer: Animal
    Class: Preserver
    Cost: 10 * power of animal called
    Praying time: Varies, depends on power of animal called
    Prayer type: Summoning servant
    Syntax: pray animal <raven|wolf|tiger|bear>
    Example: pray animal raven
    pray animal tiger

    The animal prayer summons an animal of the wild to aid a druid in his or her adventure. The time required to complete the prayer depends upon the power of the animal being summoned. The higher the animal's power is, the longer it will take, and the more spell points it will cost. In terms of power, the raven is the weakest (for low level druids) and the bear is the strongest. After the call to the wild, the druid also have to wait for a short period of time for the animal to arrive.

    Here is a list of useful commands for controlling the animal

    petpet your animal
    call <animal name>call your animal to you
    releasesend your animal back to the wild
    animal waittell your animal to wait in the room
    animal followtell your animal to follow you
    animal look or glancesee through your animal's eyes
    animal briefput your animal's vision in BRIEF mode!
    animal statusgives you the status of your animal
    animal take <item>
    animal drop <item>
    animal give all money to <name>

    Generally, the syntax "animal <command>" should work.

    This prayer can only be performed outdoors.