help > spells > golem --------------------------------------------------------------------- Spell : Golem Class : Wu-Jen Sphere : Earth Level : 5 Cost : 60 Casting Time : 3 rounds Syntax : cast golem This spell will bind earth into a living, yet brainless, being which is completely faithful to the caster. This golem will do whatever the caster wishes. The golems are very good fighters, and are very tough to damage. The materials of which the golem is comprised will reflect the level of the golem, as there are different possible compositions for every level up to 20th. Syntax for control of the golem is simple, just type 'golem <command>' and it will do it. Note, golems can not wield weapons or wear armour, but they are strong and can carry a lot. If you wish to rid yourself of your golem type `banish' when it's in the room. Also, typing 'golem report' will force the golem to tell a little about itself. Note: sometimes you will manage to lose your golem for one reason or another, if this happens type 'cast golem recall' and for 5 spell points it will be brought to you. Golem heals from taking petrify damage. Wu-jen with golem up and no shield used automatically redirect a portion of damage taken to the golem. A player may only have one golem (or other summon) summoned. --------------------------------------------------------------------- See also: help spell familiar, help spell ifrit |