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  • help > skills > flight
    Skill        :   Flight
    Class        :   Fire Drake, Shen-Lung, Wyvern,
                     Changeling (bird, wyvern and phoenix forms)
    Cost         :   5 spell points for takeoff
                 :   2 spell points per round
                 :   20 spell points travel to another location.
    Casting Time :   Instant
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Strength, Constitution, Dexterity and Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do flight (once to lift, once to land)
                 :   do flight land
                 :   do flight rymalind
                 :   do flight list
    Some dragons naturally have the skill to fly.  Flight is not possible
    indoors, and if you enter a building and so forth, you will
    be forced to land.  When flying the following benefits affect
    - Increased combat, based on your flight skill level.
    - Increased awareness, based on your flight skill level.
    - You cannot be trapped by caltrops.
    If you run out of spell points while flying, you will come in
    for a landing.
    If you provide the list argument you will be presented with a list
    available locations.
    Faeriedragons are so small that they can fly indoors and are always
    flying.  They are unable to control their flight by landing but gain
    all the bonuses.