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  • help > skills > construct
    Skill        :   Construct
    Class        :   Trickster
    Cost         :   5 sp/bug (not adjustable)
                     5 sp/wasp
                     10 sp/eagle
                     10 sp/puppet
                     10 sp/spider
    Casting time :   1 rounds
    Difficulty   :   Level 1
    Stats Base   :   Mostly Dexterity and some Intelligence
    Syntax       :   do construct <num> <item>
    Examples     :   do construct 5 bug
                     do construct 20 wasp
    Construct is a skill that originates from gnomish workers,
    Tricksters long ago saw the use of these toys and have
    since then adopted this knowledge to great use.
    Unfortunately, this knowledge is not great enough to actually
    have a practical use, none of these objects have the power nor
    mechanical force to move or act, however the Trickster has 
    learned other ways benefit and excel at this craft, see help 
    spells imbue.
    Construct list: bug, wasp, eagle, puppet, spider
    Bug       :  This is a beacon, a homing device that can be attached
                 to a target.  Many of their other constructs require
                 this beacon or they won't work. The target can attempt 
                 to 'remove bug' and check against awareness to see if 
                 that is successful.
                 Syntax: <plant|attach> bug on <target>
    Wasp      :  A small wasp-like machine.
    Eagle     :  A large bird.  When imbued it can act as either a spy
                 or a flying bomb.
    Puppet    :  A copy of the builder, looks very real.
    Spider    :  A crude representative of an apple sized spider made 
                 out of light-weight metal and small wires. When
                 imbued it is either very aggressive or explodes
                 almost immediately.
    See also: help spell imbue