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  • help > prayers > retribution
    Prayer       :   Retribution [ABILIY]
    Class        :   Paladin
    Cost         :   100% of Accumulated Judgement
    Praying Time :   Instant
    Syntax       :   pray retribution
                     pray retribution <TARGET>
    The Paladin consumes his judgement and summons divine retribution upon his
    A heavenly construct, resembling their wielded weapon, will come crashing
    down upon their foes for heavy damage as well as temporarily staggering
    their foes. This prayer can be cast in the same round as other prayers.
    Divine Retribution requires 100% judgement to cast.
    Judgement is accumulated by spending holy power.
    Judgement is accumulated by being in combat.
    You can 'setenv auto_retribution 1' to automatically pray retribution.
    Using auto_retribution decreases the skill damage slightly.
    Judgement decays outside of combat.
    With Defender 3
    Judgement is accumulated 100% faster.
    With Vengeance 2
    Judgement is accumulated 100% faster.