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Shaolin Monk Practice (Monk subclass)
Shaolin Monks train differently than other classes. They spend experience
on skills like all other classes, however they must also train their
martial arts tactics. Rather than spending experience to raise tactics
the Shaolin trains each tactic through use. This means that during every
combat round a monk will gain practice points. Tactics are broken down
into offensive and defensive tactics. There are 3 offensive tactics
that can be used in an attack round. They are: <punch, kick and throw>.
A Shaolin controls what tactics are used through stances <help stances>,
or by setting up custom tactics using the kata skill <help skill kata>. 
A young shaolin is bound to the combat tactics assigned to each stance. 
For example a shaolin who is using the rat stance will attack using the
following combat tactics <punch,punch,kick,kick,throw>.
There are 2 defensive tactics that can be used in a defense round.
They are: <block and dodge>. The type of tactic that is selected
is based on one of two skills. If the Shaolin is currently using
flowing wind <help skill flowing wind>, then they will attempt to dodge
attacks. If the shaolin is currently using iron limbs <help skill iron limbs>,
they will attempt to block the attack.

During each round of combat points will be gained for the tactics that
are executed. A Shaolin who has practiced enough will automatically advance
in that tactic.

There are a total of 20 levels for each tactic, and the amount of practice
needed to advance in a tactic increases based on the level. Additionally
some tactics are easier to train then others for example: punch trains
faster than kick, which trains faster than throw. Additionally block
trains faster than dodge.

It is important to note that training tactics takes a long time
and gets increasingly harder as your levels go up, one can expect to
only have one tactic trained 3/4 of the way when they hit hero levels.

It is also important to note that you gain training points based on
the level of your opponent.  You will not gain any points for targets
that are less then 5 levels from you.  You will also gain more points
for targets that are higher level then you.

Lastly, you can not train a tractic higher then your player level +
1.  You will not gain any points when using that tactic until you
raise your player level.